Friday, July 20, 2012

Inspiration in the air...

Today was a truly inspirational day at work.  The client art show was held today, showcasing artwork from clients from 4 different programs at the organization. There were some really great pieces of art work displayed! There was such a large turnout, including individuals from outside of our organization.  It was amazing to take part in this event. It was so great to see the clients take such an ownership of their artwork and to show such pride in what they had accomplished.  They were able to express in words what their artwork means to them and what our organization means to them. One individual explained that the artwork is a way of getting rid of stigma because it shows others that they too have a talent and that they too could accomplish something. I was holding back tears when listening to some of the clients discuss their art work and what it means to them. It was so inspirational!
It is so easy to sit in my office all day and lose sight of the big picture. Days like today are a wonderful reminder of who the work I do is really for! It is for the amazing, strong and inspirational clients that we serve. The clients who as a result of the work our organization does and their own hard work and perseverance are able to fight their fight every day without surrendering to their illness.  Through the use of our various services and programs our clients are able to live life at their “baseline”, which refers to their level of normal functioning (this varies from person to person).  I am so thankful that as a result of my strength and perseverance and the support of my family I have been able to get to where I am in life despite my illness.  Not every individual has that family support and they rely on their mental health workers for many different things. I am so very thankful to have the opportunity to take part in an organization that improves the lives of individuals with mental illness every day. Today was so incredibly heartwarming and amazing to me!

Thanks for reading! Until next time...
-Kissing Stigma Goodbye-

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