My parents threw me a graduation party this past Saturday, It was a blast, a fun time had by all! Here are a few of the many photos taken!
My table of creativity :) BTW.. I was given the superlative of "most likely to follow in the footsteps of Ghandi in the non-profit world" at graduation. I framed the superlative award and put it out on the previously mentioned table of creativity that is behind me in this picture, along with a baby pic of me, a graduation pic of me and a few other items. |
Me and my Grandfather! |
My sis and I! |
The lovely ladies of my family! |
Dan and myself! |
Chrissy, Rachel and Myself |
My vegetarian plate of food! I think the lack of vegetarian options (at my own party, eek, my fault) was quite possibly the reason the wine hit me so quickly, whoops, should've eaten more potato salad, lol! |
Connor tiring out his Grandpa as per usual! |
Enjoying good company and good conversation!
Not sure what that look on my face is, lol! |
A bunch of my lovely and absolutely amazing fiends who have been so incredibly loving and supportive to me through my MBA adventures as well as so much more that life has brought to me this past year!
Out in Old Ellicott City afterwards! Creeper Stephanie in the background, lol! |
I just now realized that there are no pics of me and my parents! :( Oh well!
I like to give you all a little look into my life with some pics from time to time. It is easy to read my blog and understand what I am saying in regards to mental health, but I feel that getting a little idea of who I am through pictures and tid bits about my life makes what I write about mental health all the more meaningful and easier to understand from my personal perspective!
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