Sunday, September 1, 2013

I'm going to start re-posting my old posts, the ones that share my personal experiences with Bipolar Disorder. I am doing this for two reasons. The first is that there are so many new people following my blog and signed up to receive my e-mails and I want to make sure everyone that would like to has had the chance to read about my personal fight with Bipolar. The second reason is that blogger- the site I use to post my blogs- automatically posts the oldest blogs the furthest back and I want those posts to be easier to locate when someone new visits my blog as those are the most important posts for someone searching for hope and a sense of belonging. In the process of re-posting my older posts over the next two weeks or so, I plan to have some new writing done to begin posting! I am so happy to have all of you reading and following my blog! I am glad to have the chance to touch so many individuals through sharing the story of own personal fight and I look forward to being able to continue touching lives! As always, feel free to e-mail me with any thoughts, suggestions for things you'd like to see me write about or if you just need someone to talk to about your is illness or life situations that are stressing you. I always respond to e-mail, it just may take me a couple of days. My e-mail address is Also, please check out my Facebook page if you haven't done so already, Kissing Stigma Goodbye Facebook Page.

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