Thursday, June 21, 2012

Facebook and Twitter Time

I feel the need to mention my Facebook and Twitter pages every so often, knowing that I have new readers that may not know about them. I've also been sick and in bed the last few days so I am bored out of my mind but not feeling well enough to actually write a post.  So, here is my PR announcement for the day.

Like Kissing Stigma Goodbye on Facebook- there you will find links to my new blog postings, links to mental health articles and stories, inspirational quotes and so much more! So, what are you waiting for? ;)

Follow Kissing Stigma Goodbye on Twitter- I'm not nearly as active of a "Tweeter" as I am a "Facebooker"- creature of habit I guess- I've been a FB'er for so many years.  Twitter is a new concept to me- I am putting a concerted effort into trying to be an active tweeter.  So while my PR announcement is not nearly as convincing for Twitter just follow Kissing Stigma Goodbye on Twitter anyway and I'll keep making that effort to be a more active tweeter!

Thanks for reading as always! Until next time...

-Kissing Stigma Goodbye-

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