Thursday, October 10, 2013

Today is National Depression Screening Day!

The diagnosis and proper treatment of a mental illness is the key to success. Many individuals go without being diagnosed and therefore without treatment for months, years, and sometimes even decades! There are a number of reasons individuals go without seeking out mental health treatment. Among these reasons are stigma, a lack of understanding of mental illness, a lack of family supports, not enough time or energy, as well as a lack of money and affordable care options for treatment. Individuals with mental illness can and do lead successful, productive lives in society. Studies show that most people with mental illnesses get better and there are many that even recover completely. If you think you or a friend or family member may have a mental illness, there is help, you and/or they don't have to feel this way forever. Please don't wait any longer, the earlier an individual receives treatment, the better the outcome.

For a free and anonymous, online mental health screening, please go visit the following website. 
Please refer anyone to this website you feel could benefit from it as well.

You will see three options; College Students, Military & Their Families, and Members of the Public. Choose which ever option describes you, then you will choose your state and you will be directed to take the mental health screening from there.

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